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Tachistoscope Method - Photographic Memory Training Using Flash Cards


photographic memory using speed flash cards
Electronic Tachistoscope With Dots Flash Cards

Did you know that "flashcards" have been used for speed reading and photographic memory training since the late 1930s?

This is possible with the invention of the tachistoscope.

You will see the similarity between the tachistoscope and right-brain education/training for babies and toddlers.

What is a tachistoscope?

It came from "Tachistos", which means very rapid, and "skopein" which means a visual instrument/screen that flashes images.

This device looks like a TV box, with a screen that flashes a series of images onto a screen at a rapid speed to test visual perception, memory, and learning. It uses a slide projector with a mechanical shutter system like a camera.

It is capable of projecting "flashcard" images as fast as 2 seconds to 0.01 seconds per image.

It can be used to increase recognition speed, to show something too fast to be consciously recognized, or to test which elements of an image are memorable.

Alfred Wilhelm Volkmann
Alfred Wilhelm Volkmann

The first tachistoscope was originally described by German physiologist Alfred Wilhelm Volkmann in 1859, although he had already been using the device for some years. He specialized in the nervous and optic systems.

Samuel Renshaw with his Tachistoscope
Samuel Renshaw with his Tachistoscope

How was this device used?

Tachistoscopic training was used during World War 2. Samuel Renshaw (1892 - 1981) was an American psychologist whose work became famous when he taught sailors and the Arm Forces to identify enemy aircraft in a split second.

The technique involves showing flashcard images of planes (a few hundredths of a second per image) they must recognize on a screen.

The training was known as the "Renshaw Training System for Aircraft and Ship Recognition".

Upon completion of the program, officers could identify more types of planes and ships with greater accuracy and faster recognition times. He continued to train people to speed read using his method.

Tachistoscopic training is also known as FRT (Flash Recognition Training). Today, the FRT program is used to train military and law enforcement professionals.

Based on the Tachistoscope Principle training method, where accurate visual and rapid speed is presented, the brain recognizes the image and embeds it in the child's subconscious mind. The child is then able to recall the information from his subconscious mind, and learning will be easy for the child.

Tachistoscopes were used in public schools in the late 1960s to increase reading comprehension for speed reading.

There were two types: the student would look through a lens similar to an aircraft bombsight viewfinder and read letters, words, and phrases using manually advanced slide film.

The second type of projected words and phrases on a screen in sequence. Both types were followed up with comprehension and vocabulary testing.

How About Flash Cards By Right Brain Education for babies and toddlers?

Right Brain Education and Left Brain Education

Like the Tachistoscope method, right brain education uses flashcards to teach babies and toddlers new vocabulary, gain knowledge, improve memory, and develop right-brain abilities.

Flashcards must be shown quickly (less than 1 second to faster than 0.5 seconds per card).

Accuracy and speed are vital when you teach your baby or toddler using flash cards in right brain education.

The right brain works faster than the left brain. The left brain uses analytical skills and logic, while the right brain does not. Below is a chart of how the left and right brains function.

The Right Brain Education Library is the 1st & World's most extensive collection of flashcards for babies and toddlers using the right brain education method. We are the 1st to create and design the right brain education flashcards.

right brain education flash cards program
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